Jennifer Brozek | The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

We're down to the FINAL 24 hours of the Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980 campaign, and what an incredible journey it has been! Thanks to your amazing support, we've reached $7200+ surpassing our initial goals and unlocking one stretch goal so far. I'm really happy we reached the coloring book goal.

Tomorrow, Thursday, April 25th from 11am - 12pm Eastern / 8am - 9am Pacific, I will be live on Twitch with Rem to celebrate and countdown to the final moments of my first Kickstarter campaign. Come join us at there:

Last Chance to Back Dear Penpal
With less than 24 hours left, now's the perfect time to back Dear Penpal, Belgium 1980 or increase your pledge. Don't miss out on some of our unique rewards and the chance to be part of the Dear Penpal community.

I am grateful for each and every one of you who has backed, shared, and cheered us on throughout this campaign.

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