Jennifer Brozek | All posts by jennifer

Norwescon Schedule

I am not manning a table this year. So, if you want to meet up with me, ping me before the convention or give me a call/text during the convention. Do not be afraid to come say hello or to ask me questions.

Thursday 8 pm Cascade 11
Big Press, Small Press, or Self-Publishing?

Each publishing method has pros and cons. Come find out what they are and share your experiences.
Patrick Swenson (M), Jennifer Brozek, Donna Barr, Bruce Taylor

Thursday 9:30 pm Cascade 1
Jennifer Brozek reads The Lady of Seeking in the City of Waiting

Crossed genre fantasy-horror Rated PG
Jennifer Brozek

Thursday 10 pm Cascade 7
Writing Tie-In Fiction

Many video games today have accompanying fiction which often provides a more detailed storyline of current events as well as past or future action. Many role-playing games have companion novel series expanding their worlds with characters, cities, and events that become canon. Join our panelists as they discuss how a game’s setting is translated into a novel that, in turn, gives back to the game.
James L. Sutter (M), Jennifer Brozek, Erik Scott de Bie


Friday 8 pm Cascade 7
Gamers are Saving the World...

Is gaming becoming a positive force in the world? Dr. Jane McGonigal thinks so, in her book “Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make us Better and How they Can Change the World”. How is this so? Recently video-game players solved a molecular puzzle that stumped scientists for years. The Child's Play charity donates toys and games to hospitalized children around the world. Join our panelists in discussing how gaming encourages us to make a difference and make the world a better place.
Julie Haehn (M), Jennifer Brozek, Satyros Phil Brucato, Joshua Howard

Friday 9pm – Midnight Presidential Suite Friday Night Theme Party

Saturday 11 am Cascade 7
Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading

Come hear a wide range of Broad Universe women read from a selection of their work.

Saturday 1 pm Cascade 7
The Horror Short

In books and movies, what is the difference between a novel and short story, and a feature and a short film?
Eric Morgret (M), Jennifer Brozek, Steve Holetz

Saturday 2 pm Evergreen 1&2
Women in Gaming

Our all-female panel discusses gaming concepts that attract girls, what girl gamers are looking for in games, and how to get more girls into games. They will also discuss the growing presence / awareness of women playing and designing games, and their struggles with working in the industry. If you are a woman interested in working in this industry, our panelists want to encourage you!
Julie Haehn (M), Jessica "GiGi" Blair, Jennifer Brozek, Claire Hummel

Saturday 1:30-3:30pm Fairwood Writer Workshop Social – Presidential Suite

Saturday 9pm – Midnight Presidential Suite Spotlight Publisher Party – DAW Books

Sunday Noon Cascade 7
Independent and Small Press Publishing

Thinking about starting up a small press? What do you need to know? Where do you find authors and artists? What niche do your books fill? Do you need a million bucks, or will a couple hundred do? How do you get what you publish into stores? Are independent small press projects financially viable in today's market?
Sandra Damiana Buskirk (M), Jennifer Brozek, Patrick Swenson, Scott Gable

Admiration of Ken Scholes

Occasionally, I talk about people I admire. Today, my admiration goes to author Ken Scholes. Ken is the author of two fabulous book collections, the Psalms of Isaak novels, and numerous other fiction stories and non-fiction articles. He is also father to two lovely girls and husband to a lovely woman.

Ken has been through a number of tragedies in the last couple of years. These tragedies have affected him as a person and as an author. It was rough going for him but he was still always a kind and considerate man.

That is not the only reason I admire him.

I watch his posts and one thing Ken does so well is to do “a little bit every day.” He does this in his writing, his exercise, and caring for his girls. (Well, okay, the girls keep him very busy.) It is this determined consistency that I prize and admire.

He had serious physical injury that laid him up for a bit. However, when he was able to start exercising again, he did. A little bit every day. I follow him on Facebook, I am used to his posts where he said things like, “Got 2.5 miles on the stationary bike today.” He doesn’t run marathons or bike incredible amounts but what he does is get up on that bike and exercise regularly, consistently, and persistently.

Ken also does this with his writing. During some of the rougher times in his life, he was not able to write. However, when he was well enough to start writing again, he did. 300 words here. 600 words there. 500 words there. This is not a huge amount of words. I can drop 500 words in an hour when I’m writing. But, again, he has been consistent. As he’s gotten better, his word counts have gone up. But I still see the occasional 700 or 800 word day and all I can think is “You go, Ken.”

It’s this consistent determination to succeed in all that he does that I admire. He works hard for his words, his family, and his health. This is something I notice every single time he makes a post.